Thursday, July 19, 2012

July, Where Did Thee Go?

I am back! I am afraid I have abandoned my blog for search of adventures this summer. I have been busy sewing and then went on a road trip to see my dear cousin Katie for her high school graduation party. We went on all sorts of crazy adventures, that I shall post about next week, but for now, a sneak peak at what went on while I was gone from blogging.

1. Fireworks on the 4th

2. Taking lots of photos with my new DSLR camera!

3. Finding joy in practicing portrait photography

4. Katie's graduation party

5. Going to the beach

6. The Bristol Renaissance Faire

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to include going out for ice cream! :-P

    I can't wait to see the rest of your photos! I'm going to post about our adventures in Richmond and Harvard on Monday. ;)
